Akira Minute Week 16 - The Rat Flees

Guests - Austin Prior and Danny Greene-Quish

Austin Prior links

Danny Greene-Quish links

Akira minute 76 - Flavor Propaganda

Kai runs into Kaneda and Kei near Harukiya. He tells them that Tetsuo killed Yamagata. With Austin Prior and Danny Greene-Quish.


Akira minute 77 - Gentleman Idiot

Kaneda crashes Yamagata's motorcycle into a wall as a tribute to his dead friend. Takashi appears in the middle of a nearby culvert, and Kei begins walking across the water toward him. With Austin Prior and Danny Greene-Quish.


Akira minute 78 - Confused and Horny

Kei and Takashi disappear. Kiyoko telepathically explains the situation to Kaneda. With Austin Prior and Danny Greene-Quish.


Akira minute 79 - The Busker Wars

Kaneda curses at Kiyoko for using his friends. Nezu learns of the coup and prepares to flee. With Austin Prior and Danny Greene-Quish.


Akira minute 80 - I Thought We Were Spooning

Nezu has murdered his staff. Ryu unexpectedly appears in his office, and Nezu shoots him. A helicopter flies low over the street a few blocks from barricaded traffic. With Austin Prior and Danny Greene-Quish.


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