Akira Minute Week 20 - Tetsuo vs Satellite

Guest - Sean Davis

Sean Davis links

Akira minute 96 - Rosie the Riveter

Kaneda's laser gun runs out of power. With Sean Davis.


Akira minute 97 - Perforated

Tetsuo loses his arm when hit with a laser from the Satellite Orbital Laser. Kai arrives on the scene. With Sean Davis.


Akira minute 98 - The Whole Sweep of Human Achievement

Kaneda tries to attack Tetsuo with a rock. Tetsuo flies into space. With Sean Davis.


Akira minute 99 - Safety First

Blasts from SOL hit several places in the Olympic site. Kaneda meets Kai and Kei. SOL then breaks up as it falls into the atmosphere. With Sean Davis.


Akira minute 100 - Rappin' Colonel

Tetsuo creates a new arm for himself. Kiyoko speculates on changing the future. The Conolel asks Dr. Onishi for an update. With Sean Davis.


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